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26′, directed by Jean-Pierre Carlon.
Co-produced by France Télévisions.
1st series of the Mediterranean Chronicles, initiated by the CMCA, Mediterranean Center of Audiovisual Communication.
With the support of the CNC, the Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône, the CMCA, the PACA region – Mediterranean Basin Charter, and the PROCIREP.
Special mention to the Circom Régional.
Broadcasting: Canal Marseille, TV3, ENTV, ERTU, JRTV, Odyssée, BEUR TV…

Marseille will soon have twenty-six centuries of existence, marked by the countless successive layers of migrants who have followed one another.
Most of the time forced uprooting, which is accompanied by a difficult rooting…
Marseilles, the gateway to the south, is an almost obligatory place of passage for all those who try their luck in our country… At the beginning of the century, Corsicans, Italians, Turks, Armenians, Greeks… All of them found themselves in a place reminiscent of the village they had left, to find the family, the clan, all that human warmth that helps the exile to rebuild himself…
If the Marseillais is the result of superimpositions of ancient and recent migrations, he lives in a relatively closed world where any problem risks finding its solution only between rejection or acceptance, exclusion or integration, rehabilitation of the city center or status quo, opening to the North, the South or the East…
Constantly torn between two poles, Marseilles in fact presents all the symptoms of a deep identity crisis. The Marseillais have doubts because at the same time as their city is modernizing, it is plunging into unemployment and precariousness.
Maurad and Viviane, a young couple of Italian and North African origin, live in Belsunce.
We share their daily life and we stay by their side to listen to them talk about their life, their memories and imagine a future for them and for Marseille.