Documentary film, directed by Isabelle Leparcq.
Co-produced by Via Découvertes Films and Ushuaïa TV, with the participation of France Télévisions.
With the support of the CNC, Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée.
As a Parisian living in a small rural village in Seine-et-Marne for a short time, I realize that it is less easy to apply my ecological convictions here than in Paris. Because in Jutigny, the name of this village, the tap water is not only unfit for consumption, polluted by nitrates and pesticides – in particular by atrazine, a pollutant that has been persisting for 20 years in the groundwater – but it is also more expensive and forces me to drink bottled water.
The water situation in Jutigny is the starting point of a quest that will lead me to a situation worthy of the Shadoks. The local authorities have decided to install a vast network of pipes to fetch water elsewhere, by pumping a water table located near a Nature Reserve. There, the solution to all problems is to pump! Is this the solution?
Not to mention the cost, it only pushes back the problem momentarily by threatening to dry up a biodiversity reserve, under the pressure of human activities…
I discovered during my meetings with researchers, elected officials, consultants and field actors, helpless or disillusioned, that the workings of the distribution of drinking water in Ile-de-France are very confused.
Other solutions exist but still seem out of reach. The war is discreet, but devastating. What if Jutigny’s water was an alarm signal on the catastrophic state of our planet and our society?