52′, proposed by Pascal Cesaro.
In partnership with ClapOsud.
With the support of La Maison de Gardanne, the PACA region, the Groupama Foundation, the Delegation for Information and Communication of the Social Ministries (DICOM), the CNRS Images and many Ulule contributors.
Created twenty years ago in Gardanne, La Maison is a unique center specializing in end-of-life care.
Its primary mission is to welcome the sick and their loved ones in a sensitive environment that promotes care in this singular and mysterious dimension of the end of life, unique to each individual.
This human adventure was the work of caregivers, doctors, psychologists, nurses, care assistants, cooks, and volunteers, who came together in the face of the unacceptable to imagine and design a form of comprehensive care that respects the individual.
This film tells their story, on the occasion of their retirement, and testifies to the years of struggle, joy, and sorrow, and to the satisfaction of seeing a new generation emerge to face the challenges to come.
Today, La Maison – a particular experience recognized in the field of palliative care – is at a turning point in its history with the creation of Villa Izoï, which will welcome people for a longer period of time.
Website: http://une-maison-au-bord-du-monde.fr/