Animated feature-film. Adaptation by Benjamin Legrand.
From the novel « Mermere », written by Hugo Verlomme.
Graphisms by Darren Johnson.
1st adaptation by Jean-Pierre Carlon.
With the support of the PACA region.
Selected by Cartoon Movie 2013.
Science fiction epic saga as well as ecological tale, Mermere recounts the story of young Horn and his parents, Masha and Noe, in the middle of the 22th century, and the story of the war between the Noahs, a people which has been living under water for decades and the tyrant Kaswini, who wants to destroy them to reign absolutely on Mermere.
The Noahs, who are a pacifist people, send Noe to speak in their favour in front of the Land’s main leaders, who are gathered in Kaswini’s palace.
But Kaswini traps him and blames the Noahs for the leaders’ massacre perpetrated by the tyrant’s trained killer sharks.
After the massacre, Noah remains broken and the Noahs are hunted.
Young Horn, who starts discovering about his strange powers, goes on a dramatic initiation journey. With little Noemi, he will go discover the Land, which he doesn’t know anything about, to find Masha, his missing mother, and try to defeat Kaswini…